1/17 (週六) 是探戈帮的中國新年舞會.
當晚也會是特別為歡送 Tango Emotion 情迷探戈舞團的 Farewell Milonga
經過上週日晚上歡迎探戈舞會, 多位與 Tango Emotion 的團員共舞的女性都讚嘆這是他們有過最棒的探戈夜晚. 下週六 1/17的歡送舞會 絕對不能錯過!!
當晚入場為 120 rmb / 人 含 酒水暢飲 及 現場探戈秀
另, 該舞團的首席舞者: Analia and Luiggi 將在 1/17下午 1~4pm 舉辦一個mini-workshop 講授Show Tango 的技巧 價錢為 400 rmb/人. 兩人也將在當晚的歡送舞會表演.
如同時報名課程 及 舞會, 則享有優惠價 500 rmb / 人
1/17 (Sat.) Chinse New Year Milonga at TangoBang. Joined by Tango Emotion as their Farewell Milonga.
All the girls who have danced with the member of Tango Emotion last Sunday, claimed it's the best milonga they have ever had. So, girls, don't miss it!!
Entrance at 120 rmb / per person, including all you can drink and the show.
On the same day in the afternoon from 1-4pm, will be a mini-workshop given by Analia and Luiggi the leading cast, to give an introduction and techniques of Show Tango. Three hour workshop at 400 rmb / per person. They'll give an exhibition at Farewell Milonga.
For those who will join both workshop and milonga, the discount price is 500 rmb / per person.
What's happening in TangoBang
2009年1月6日 星期二
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