2009年2月3日 星期二

Valentine's Milonga with Live Tango Music on 2/14

Would like to have a special Valentine's Day this year?

For Singles, come to join this FREE Tango lesson and meet others
For Couples, join together to learn this very sensual and sexy dance to warm you up for the nite!!
5 course dinner set is served at 520rmb/couple, 260rmb/single, including one complimentary Champagn, free class, free entrance to the Tango milonga. Would

For milonga only, it stays 80rmb/per person.

Live Tango music featured by Gabriel [Argentine Saxaphone player] and Rachel[Pianist] at the milonga.

More surprise will be at this special party, so don't miss it!!

Reservation is required for Dinner Set, please call: 5877-1881


單身的朋友們, 來這裡跟其他愛跳舞的朋友歡度情人節.

情侶們, 讓探戈點燃今晚的熱情!

情人節套餐 520rmb/每對, 包括5道餐, 免費香檳, 及免費舞會入場券! [必須提前預約 5877-1881]

只參加舞會的朋友, 入場價不變, 80rmb.

當晚還有Gabriel 及 Rachel帶來的現場探戈音樂演奏 及更多有趣的驚喜!!




What is the best day to Milonga?