2009年4月15日 星期三

Geraldin and Ezequiel's Asia Tour 2009!

TangoBang is proudly presenting

"Ezequiel and Geraldin Asia tour 2009"

This will be the first time the couple coming to Asia for workshop and performance!

They'll travel 4 cities in Asia include:

  • 6/9~6/15 Taipei
  • 6/15~6/22 ShangHai
  • 6/22~6/29 Beijing
  • 6/29~7/6 Hongkong
For those who will be visiting Asia in June for the tour, you are welcome to contact organizers at each cities for details:

Please use the attached registration form for course details in Shanghai

Attention Early Birds!!

You will receive ONE FREE regular milonga entrance (worths 80rmb) for every three courses registered. Offer ends June 1st!

探戈帮很榮幸的宣布主辦兩位超級探戈大師 Ezequiel and Geraldin 2009 亞洲巡迴

他們將途經台北/上海/北京/香港四個城市, 進行一個月的大師營及表演.

上海部分將有8堂主題課程, 2堂女性技巧, 1堂男性技巧, 及2場主題舞會.

此外, 探戈帮從本次大師營開始招收探戈帮會員. 會員享有大師營優惠方案及平時舞會優惠. 詳情請參照報名表. [附圖]

6/1前完成報名手續的探友們, 每註冊三堂課就可獲得一張免費常規舞會入場券喔!! (每張價值80元)

2009年3月13日 星期五

3/20 Animal Milonga 豹紋之夜

3/20 (Fri) is the First wedding anniversay of Vivian and Charles!
We'd like to invite everyone to dress up in animal print to the milonga that nite.
For those who fits the dress code will be rewarded with one complimentary Rose sparking wine!
Entrance remains at 80rmb/per person. Can be redeemed for Food or Beverage!

3/20(週五), 是探戈幫幫主與幫主夫人的結婚一週年紀念. 我們邀請所有朋友跟我們一起來歡慶這個日子!!
當晚舞會主題是豹紋之夜! 符合服裝主題者(從寬認定),將免費獲得粉紅氣泡酒一杯~
想成為探戈派對中引人注目的焦點嗎? 請豹紋上身!!!

2009年3月12日 星期四

4/11 TangoBang Opening Anniversary Party

YES!! TangoBang is gonna be one year old on 4/11!!

As when we in our opening party last year. We're offering free drinks for those who bring over the invitation tile. So go find it!!

For those who does not have the invitation of last yr. The entrance is 80rmb, can be redeemed for F&B. The most important is, you'll be having the free entrance for next year!!

Reservation is required, pls email your name in full, contact information to tangobang@yahoo.cn.

We'll prepare your invitation tile to be picked up at the door on the day of event.

Program of the nite includes:

  • Free Drinks/Drink promotion: Beer / House wine / Sparkling / Sangria
  • Free open class of Tango
  • Live Tango performance (by Vivian and Charles, and member of TangoBang)
  • Live Salsa performance by Mambogem and her dance group
  • Live Belly Dance performance by ISIS dance group
  • Live Tango music by Bettina and Miquel
  • Lucky Draw
  • 2 parties under one roof (Salsa at 1st Fl, Tango at 2nd Fl, Salsa DJ by Eliott)





  • "探戈幫TangoBang"精彩回顧
  • 指定酒品免費招待(啤酒,紅白酒,氣泡酒,Sangria...等),以及促銷大放送
  • 免費公開課
  • 阿根廷探戈表演 (Vivian and Charles 與 探戈帮學員)
  • 莎莎舞表演 (Mambogem 蔓玻珍與她的舞團)
  • 肚皮舞表演 (ISIS 舞團)
  • 阿根廷音樂 (Bettina and Miquel)
  • 一樓salsa舞會,二樓tango舞會(同步進行)
  • 抽獎
活動內容將持續更新,敬請保持高度關注於"探戈幫TangoBang" http://tangobang.cn/*

此活動採預約報名制,請留下完整的中英文姓名,連系地址(郵編),手機號碼,電郵,發送至 tangobang@yahoo.cn 我們將發出正式邀請函


2009 Seoul Tango Festival 5/7~11

Date: May 7-11

Place: Seoul, Korea.


Javier Rodriguez & Stella Misse

Francisco Forquera & Carolina Bonaventura

Fabian Peralta & Virginia Pandolfi

Website info:http://www.leoyflor.com/2009/02/2009-festival-introduction.html

2009年2月27日 星期五

Free Trial of Tango Lesson at TangoBang 免費公開課

More FREE Open class are offered stating this month.
Come to learn this sensual and charming dance with the most dedicated yet most experienced teachers in town.

3 dates are offered on weekly basis:
Tuesday from 7-8pm
Saturday from 7-8pm
Sunday from 6-7pm.

You'll learn the most fundamental, yet most important technique of Argentine Tango.

After the free trial lesson, you are invited to stay over to dance in the beginner party. Free of charge, too.

Please contact (021)5877-1881 / tangobang@yahoo.cn for reservation

想要體驗美妙而性感的阿根廷探戈嗎? 快來參加探戈帮的免費阿根廷探戈公開課吧!


你可以學習到阿根廷探戈最基本而最重要的技巧. 公開課後是學員的菜鳥舞會. 免入場.

需事先報名, 請聯絡 (021)5877-1881 / tangobang@yahoo.cn

2009年2月26日 星期四

Milongas during Pablo and Noelia's SH workshop

There are three thematic milonga during Pablo and Noelia's visit in ShangHai

2/27 Friay 9pm to 2am. Welcome Milonga
Featuring DJ Noelia
Entrance at 80rmb/per person, can be redeemed for F&B
Dress code: Smart Casual

2/28 Saturday 9pm to 2am. Grand Milonga
Featuring Tango Performance (Choreography) by the two masters
Entrance at 250rmb/per person, with All-you-can-drink and Snack. (Wine/Beer/Soft Drink)
Dress code: Black-tie [Formal]

3/6 Friday 9pm to 2am. Farewell Milonga
Featuring Tango Performance (Improvisation) by the two masters
Entrance at 180rmb/per person, with All-you-can-drink (Wine/Beer/Soft Drink)
Dress code: Chinese Style [Qi-pao for ladies]

Pablo and Noelia 上海大師班期間三場舞會時間與詳情請參照以下:

2/27 週五 晚上9點至凌晨2點 歡迎舞會
Noelia DJ
入場80元/人, 可抵消費
服裝規定: 優雅時尚

2/28 週六晚上9點至凌晨2點 正式舞會
Pablo and Noelia兩位大師將做正式表演
入場250元/人, 含酒水暢飲及小吃
服裝規定: 正裝

3/6 週六晚上9點至凌晨2點 歡送舞會
Pablo and Noelia兩位大師將做即興表演
入場180元/人, 含酒水暢飲
服裝規定: 中國風

What is the best day to Milonga?