2009年3月13日 星期五

3/20 Animal Milonga 豹紋之夜

3/20 (Fri) is the First wedding anniversay of Vivian and Charles!
We'd like to invite everyone to dress up in animal print to the milonga that nite.
For those who fits the dress code will be rewarded with one complimentary Rose sparking wine!
Entrance remains at 80rmb/per person. Can be redeemed for Food or Beverage!

3/20(週五), 是探戈幫幫主與幫主夫人的結婚一週年紀念. 我們邀請所有朋友跟我們一起來歡慶這個日子!!
當晚舞會主題是豹紋之夜! 符合服裝主題者(從寬認定),將免費獲得粉紅氣泡酒一杯~
想成為探戈派對中引人注目的焦點嗎? 請豹紋上身!!!



What is the best day to Milonga?