2009年4月15日 星期三

Geraldin and Ezequiel's Asia Tour 2009!

TangoBang is proudly presenting

"Ezequiel and Geraldin Asia tour 2009"

This will be the first time the couple coming to Asia for workshop and performance!

They'll travel 4 cities in Asia include:

  • 6/9~6/15 Taipei
  • 6/15~6/22 ShangHai
  • 6/22~6/29 Beijing
  • 6/29~7/6 Hongkong
For those who will be visiting Asia in June for the tour, you are welcome to contact organizers at each cities for details:

Please use the attached registration form for course details in Shanghai

Attention Early Birds!!

You will receive ONE FREE regular milonga entrance (worths 80rmb) for every three courses registered. Offer ends June 1st!

探戈帮很榮幸的宣布主辦兩位超級探戈大師 Ezequiel and Geraldin 2009 亞洲巡迴

他們將途經台北/上海/北京/香港四個城市, 進行一個月的大師營及表演.

上海部分將有8堂主題課程, 2堂女性技巧, 1堂男性技巧, 及2場主題舞會.

此外, 探戈帮從本次大師營開始招收探戈帮會員. 會員享有大師營優惠方案及平時舞會優惠. 詳情請參照報名表. [附圖]

6/1前完成報名手續的探友們, 每註冊三堂課就可獲得一張免費常規舞會入場券喔!! (每張價值80元)



What is the best day to Milonga?